Seeing the Man in the Moon in a New Light
Everyone knows that the moon is made of green cheese. NASA, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration has verified this several times, along with
other scientifically confirmed facts. For example, while standing on earth, we see
only one side of the moon, and never see the other side, if it has one.
Everyone also knows about the man in the moon. But If you look at it when it’s
full, and the night is clear, you can also see a rabbit in the moon! It has two long
ears at the top, pointing to the right. Its head faces left, its body is visible, and
there’s even a round, puffy shape in exactly the right spot for the bunny tail!
According to legend, an ancient Chinese princess was extremely hungry There
was a famine throughout the land, and even royalty were short of food. On
hearing of the plight of the princess, Buddha, the great enlightened one
transformed himself into a rabbit and went into the forest to hunt for food.
Unfortunately, after a long and thorough search, he could find none at all. But
being loyal to the throne, and possessing truly great love and courage, he
returned to the palace and threw himself into a fire, to be cooked as a lifesaving
meal for the princess.
On learning of such a heroic deed, she saw to it that the image of the rabbit was
imprinted on the surface of the moon, so all humanity could forever see, and do
honor to this magnificent animal. It was, you see, an exceptionally rare hare!
So, the next time you look at a full moon, on a crystal-clear night, you may, in
fact see it in a new light.
Copyright 2019 Gerald J. Dnessen